Sirdest says '%Sirdar exclaims 'ENTER YOUR LOCKERS. YOU HAVE NOW TWO MINUTES!'.'
You feel that Lightscape has a new level.
Sirdest says '%Waitingroom for team 1. This room is magically created,.'
Sirdest says '%Team 1 door (open) leads out.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% stick amd.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% @@cast resist dispel at amd.'
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% @@party report Resist Dispel ---> amd.'
Sirdest says '%Amd [report]: Resist Dispel ---> amd.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Waitingroom for team 1. This room is magically created,.'.'
Sirdest says '%You are done with the chant.'
Sirdest says '%You utter the magic words 'zicks laai qluu' (Resist dispel).'
Sirdest says '%You cast the spell successfully.'
Sirdest says '%You feel extra sticky for protection.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (469)/(469)  SP (1432)/(1483) -51 EP (281)/(281)   ().'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% @@cast repulsor aura at amd.'
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% @@party report G-mana ---> amd.'
Sirdest says '%Amd [report]: G-mana ---> amd.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EX.'
Info: Sam left the game.
Sirdest says '%Repulsor aura: ########.'
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with haste.'
Mandigal quacks 'hastes...'
*Maphesto Hastes!
Sirdest says '%Repulsor aura: ######.'
Krokodiili booms 'gmana, wonder.'
Info: Kirini left the game.
Sirdest says '%Repulsor aura: #####.'
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.'
Mandigal quacks 'greater haste...'
*Maphesto Greater Hastes!
Farliss AAARRGGHHs 'hyvat o trigut.'
Sirdest says '%Repulsor aura: ##.'
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with haste.'
Mandigal quacks 'hastes...'
*Maphesto Hastes!
Mallarch arrives from down.
Foxbat exclaims 'Go baby go go! We're right behind you. Go baby go go! Yeah, we're looking at you. Go baby go go!'
Cilwand looks at you.
Sirdest says '%You are done with the chant.'
Sirdest says '%You utter the magic words 'shamarubu incixtes delfo' (Repulsor aura).'
Sirdest exclaims '%You pull out a quartz prism which bursts into a zillion technicolour sparkles!'
Sirdest says '%You create the resistance successfully.'
Sirdest says '%You see an extra flickering golden shield fade into existance around you.'
Sirdest says '%Your fine choice of components lowers the effort of the spell.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (469)/(469)  SP (1243)/(1483) -189 EP (281)/(281)   ().'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1243)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% @@cast resist dispel at amd.'
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1243)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% @@party report Resist Dispel ---> amd.'
Sirdest says '%Amd [report]: Resist Dispel ---> amd.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1243)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1243)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EX.'
Governor [bat]: well maybe a wiz should massummon everyone that hasnt already sacced there (excluding aprty members) and force everyone to sac
Sirdest says '%Governor [bat]: well maybe a wiz should massummon everyone that hasnt already sacced there.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (469)/(469)  SP (1379)/(1483) ? EP (281)/(281)   ().'
Sirdest says '%You are done with the chant.'
Sirdest says '%You utter the magic words 'zicks laai qluu' (Resist dispel).'
Sirdest says '%You cast the spell successfully.'
Sirdest says '%You feel extra sticky for protection.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (469)/(469)  SP (1328)/(1483) -51 EP (281)/(281)   ().'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1328)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% @@cast armour of aether at amd.'
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1328)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% @@party report AoA ---> amd.'
Sirdest says '%Amd [report]: AoA ---> amd.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1328)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1328)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EX.'
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with haste.'
Mandigal quacks 'hastes...'
*Maphesto Hastes!
Sirdest says '%Armour of aether: #######.'
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with haste.'
Mandigal quacks 'hastes...'
*Maphesto Hastes!
Sirdest says '%Armour of aether: #####.'
Info: Valkrist recovers from link death.
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.'
Mandigal quacks 'greater haste...'
*Maphesto Greater Hastes!
Sirdest says '%Armour of aether: ##.'
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with haste.'
Mandigal quacks 'hastes...'
*Maphesto Hastes!
Sirdest says '%You are done with the chant.'
Sirdest says '%You utter the magic words 'fooharribah inaminos cantor' (Armour of aether).'
Sirdest says '%You utter the magic words 'fooharribah inaminos cantor' (Armour of aether).'
Sirdest exclaims '%You pull out a small highsteel disc which bursts into a zillion technicolour sparkles!'
Sirdest says '%You create the resistance successfully.'
Sirdest says '%You see an extra crystal clear shield fade into existance around you.'
Sirdest says '%Your fine choice of components lowers the effort of the spell.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (469)/(469)  SP (1119)/(1483) -209 EP (281)/(281)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Amd [party]: ( Sticky Armour of Aether UP ) Cast by Farliss.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1119)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Amd [party]: ( Sticky Armour of Aether UP ) Cast by Farliss.'.'
Info: Eronk enters the game.
Sirdest says '%You drink the contents of a flask containing fuming bright green liquid labeled as unpain%.'
Sirdest exclaims '%Wow! You feel magically empowered... your mind momentarily expands!'
Sirdest says '%You save the rest of the potion.'
Sirdest says '%You are so full of liquid you feel like you might burst.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1119)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You drink the contents of a flask containing fuming bright green.'
Juo [party]: hehe
Sirdest says '%Waitingroom for team 1. This room is magically created,.'
Sirdest says '%Team 1 door (open) leads out.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(469)/(469)]<=|=>SP:[(1119)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Waitingroom for team 1. This room is magically created,.'.'
Juo [party]: Sirdest says '%Amd [party]: ( Sticky Armour of Aether UP ) Cast by Farliss.'
Farliss AAARRGGHHs 'oho meitsi castas.'
Juo [party]: :D
Sirdest says '%Hp (469)/(469)  SP (1252)/(1483) ? EP (281)/(281)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Something crawls under your skin.'
p say :D
Nuane (party): :D
[21:17:19] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Juo claps.
Farliss AAARRGGHHs 'ruletanko kovaa.'
Air arrives from down.
Arnac snickers at Farliss.
Mallarch asks 'amd vs ?'
Sirdest says '%You feel your will getting stronger.'
Sirdest says '%You feel like normal yourself again.'
Sirdest says '%Amd [party]: ( Unpain UP ) Cast by Farliss.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(588)/(588)]<=|=>SP:[(1252)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Amd [party]: ( Unpain UP ) Cast by Farliss.'.'
Maphesto squeals 'era.'
Kerzebel asks 'era?'
Juo buzzes 'etkai sä sais auttaa.'
Mallarch nods his head, yeah, ok.
Searc [bat]: what the fuck... would guess wizard have nothing to do with that anyways so not really their problem
Farliss AAARRGGHHs 'no kato tsiittaan.'
Black panther shouts 'Stargazer, I rather enjoyed killing you!'
Info: Stargazer dies.
Sirdest says '%Black panther shouts 'Stargazer, I rather enjoyed killing you!'.'
[ghost]: Ghost of Stargazer giggles inanely.
Juo buzzes 'omg.'
Uurkarka [bat]: they have a spell lik that
Sirdest says '%Uurkarka [bat]: they have a spell lik that.'
Ghost of Stargazer [ghost]: raise please
Juo buzzes 'xiit noob.'
Sirdest says '% drink aura_of_hate.'
Sirdest says '%You drink the contents of a flask containing watery red liquid labeled as aura_of_hate%.'
Sirdest exclaims '%Wow! You feel magically empowered... your mind momentarily expands!'
Sirdest says '%That was the last dose.'
Sirdest says '%You are so full of liquid you feel like you might burst.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(588)/(588)]<=|=>SP:[(1252)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '% drink aura_of_hate.'.'
Sirdest says '%You feel like your cheeks are burning.'
Sirdest says '%Waitingroom for team 1. This room is magically created,.'
Sirdest says '%Team 1 door (open) leads out.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(588)/(588)]<=|=>SP:[(1376)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Waitingroom for team 1. This room is magically created,.'.'
Sirdest says '%You are carrying 31.8 kg of equipment:.'
Sirdest says '%10 coins (10 mithril) [Cash: 5000.00  Bank: 35110.04  Total: 40110.04].'
Sirdest says '%Keep:.'
Sirdest says '%An empty alchemist's flask.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(588)/(588)]<=|=>SP:[(1376)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You are carrying 31.8 kg of equipment:.'.'
*Roc is slightly annoying.
Sirdest says '%Your tongue swells.'
Sirdest says '%Arnac tells you 'paa channels off =)'.'
Biff Swift shouts, 'Thank you BatMUD(tm).  The game is over.
  Thank you for your time and cooperation.  Later punks!
Sirdest says '%Biff Swift shouts, 'Thank you BatMUD(tm).  The game is over.'
Kerzebel tells you 'aye löyty =D'
Juo [party]: tollaha o kevyt setti
Governor [bat]: would be fun tho :D
Sirdest says '%You breathe a puff of magic.'
Sirdest says '%Turned off 15 channels.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(588)/(588)]<=|=>SP:[(1376)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(281)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Turned off 15 channels.'.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (588)/(588)  SP (1483)/(1483) ? EP (281)/(281)   ().'
Sirdest says '%You cast the spell successfully.'
Sirdest says '%You feel like normal yourself again.'
Nina nods at Cilwand.
Info: Kbk goes link dead.
Info: Kirya goes link dead.
Bhamgral arrives from east.
Sirdest says '%.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(588)/(645)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%.'.'
Info: Hanwell goes link dead.
Sirdest says '%You drink the contents of a flask containing fizzing magenta liquid labeled as mana_shield%.'
*Roc squawks at Cilwand
Sirdest exclaims '%Wow! You feel magically empowered... your mind momentarily expands!'
Viol [newbie]: is battleaxe a two hand weapon? i wield one in my right hand, but when i try to wield hand-axe in hand 2, it says that i cant hold it
Sirdest says '%You save the rest of the potion.'
Sirdest says '%You are so full of liquid you feel like you might burst.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(588)/(645)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You drink the contents of a flask containing fizzing magenta liquid.'
Sirdest says '%You get a magical feeling.'
Sirdest says '%Flash of light blinds you for a moment.'
Sirdest says '%You close team 1 door.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(588)/(645)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You close team 1 door.'.'
The arena master shouts 'Team 1 consists of Amd'
The arena master shouts 'Team 2 consists of Era'
The arena master shouts 'All teams ready! Let the fight begin!'
Sirdest says '%The arena master shouts 'Team 1 consists of Amd'.'
Sirdest says '%The arena master shouts 'Team 2 consists of Era'.'
Sirdest says '%The arena master shouts 'All teams ready! Let the fight begin!'.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: e, s and se.'
Sirdest says '%You feel like normal yourself again.'
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(588)/(645)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You start chanting.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              1040/1101 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               588/645  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:35] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with haste.'
Mandigal quacks 'hastes...'
Sirdest says '% l.'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: e, s and se.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(588)/(645)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '% l.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              1040/1101 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               588/645  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:37] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: nw, n and w.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(588)/(645)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(281)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.'.'
Sirdest says '% av.'
Sirdest exclaims '%Kukkia, kukkia. Nyt tiedan miksi on kukkia!'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(598)/(645)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '% av.'.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 4 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 4 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (560)/(633) -38 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
la arena
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is in excellent shape. (90-100% hps)'
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              1009/1094 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               560/633  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:38] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(598)/(645)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Lava gem is in excellent shape. (90-100% hps)'.'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: n, ne and e.'
Sirdest says '%Gem of burning lava <team 2>.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (503)/(619) -57 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(598)/(645)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is in excellent shape. (90-100% hps)'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(503)/(619)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Obvious exits are: n, ne and e.'.'
la arena
Eronk [newbie]: youre probably wearing something in held slot
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               995/1090 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               503/619  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:39] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '% ab.'
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(503)/(619)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '% ab.'.'
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.'
Sirdest says '% l.'
Mandigal quacks 'greater haste...'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: n, ne and e.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(503)/(619)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.'.'
Mandigal quacks 'greater haste...'
la arena
Sirdest says '%Lava gem arrives from east.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (483)/(612) -20 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               995/1090 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               483/612  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:41] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '% sa.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is in excellent shape. (90-100% hps)'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(503)/(619)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Lava gem arrives from east.'.'
Melkor [newbie]: wield hand-axe in left
Sirdest says '% ga from disc.'
Sirdest says '%There is no disc here.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(483)/(612)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% zap era with wand.'
Sirdest says '%No era is present.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(483)/(612)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% zap era with wand 2.'
Sirdest says '%No era is present.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(483)/(612)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% dn in mystic.'
Sirdest says '%There is no 'mystic' here.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(483)/(612)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '% ga from disc.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               995/1090 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               483/612  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:43] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%Lava gem leaves north.'
Sirdest says '% l.'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: n, ne and e.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(483)/(612)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '% l.'.'
Sirdest says '%Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: nw, n and w.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(483)/(612)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.'.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (463)/(604) -20 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is in a good shape.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(463)/(604)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%%Lava gem leaves west.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               973/1085 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               463/604  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:45] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: n, ne and e.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(463)/(604)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Your armours absorb some of the damage.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 1 time.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (459)/(601) -4 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
la arena
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is in a good shape.'
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               961/1080 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               459/601  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:47] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(459)/(601)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Lava gem is in a good shape.'.'
Tonto (tarmalen): anyone wanna summon nubu tarma to ramona? :>
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(459)/(601)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Eronk [newbie]: which is why you cant wield 2 weapons
Sirdest says '%You say '%You start chanting.'.'
Sirdest says '% l.'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: n, ne and e.'
Sirdest says '%Gem of burning lava <team 2>.'
Qmar [newbie]: Sure you don't have anything in that slot?
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(459)/(601)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '% l.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               961/1080 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               459/601  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:49] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Info: Luggage goes link dead.
Sirdest says '%Acid blast: ####.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (453)/(597) -6 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is in a good shape.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(453)/(597)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Lava gem is in a good shape.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               941/1074 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               453/597  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:51] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Searc arrives from down.
Sirdest says '%Lava gem arrives from east.'
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with haste.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Mandigal quacks 'hastes...'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (436)/(591) -17 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem leaves north.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(436)/(591)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%*****************************************************.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               921/1068 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               436/591  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:53] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%No gem is present.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(436)/(591)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%No gem is present.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               921/1068 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               436/591  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:56] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sitan [newbie]: what axe is it...could be an alihnment issue also
Sirdest says '% zap gem with wand.'
Sirdest says '%No gem is present.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(436)/(591)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '% zap gem with wand.'.'
Sirdest says '%You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant.'
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(436)/(591)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               921/1068 1240/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               436/591  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:18:58] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%Lava gem arrives from east.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 3 times.'
Sirdest exclaims '%You score a CRITICAL hit!'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 1 time.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (387)/(578) -49 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is in excellent shape. (90-100% hps)'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(387)/(578)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You exclaim '%You score a CRITICAL hit!'.'
Sirdest says '%No gem is present.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(387)/(578)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Hp (387)/(578) -49 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              1035/1063 1204/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               387/578  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:00] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

You echo 'hahahaha.'
[21:19:02] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off
la arena

+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              1035/1063 1204/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               387/578  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:02] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%Lava gem arrives from east.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (371)/(571) -16 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem leaves north.'
Nullnullatte arrives from down.
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(371)/(571)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Lava gem hits Amd 3 times.'.'
Sirdest says '%You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant.'
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(371)/(571)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Lava gem leaves north.'.'
Sirdest says 'mmm.. tactical.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              1012/1057 1204/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               371/571  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:03] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: nw, n and w.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(371)/(571)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.'.'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: n, ne and e.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(371)/(571)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (345)/(562) -26 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(371)/(571)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Lava gem hits Amd 3 times.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               993/1052 1204/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               345/562  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:06] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(345)/(562)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% @@cast shelter.'
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(345)/(562)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% @@party report Shelter Incoming.'
Sirdest says '%Amd [report]: Shelter Incoming.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(345)/(562)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%|=>HP:[(345)/(562)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EX.'
Qmar [newbie]: like an armour such as tome or sceptre?
Sirdest says '%Shelter: #####.'
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.'
Mandigal quacks 'greater haste...'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem arrives from east.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 4 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (292)/(545) -60 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem leaves north.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(292)/(545)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
la arena
Sirdest says '%You say '%Hp (292)/(545) -60 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'.'
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               978/1048 1204/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               292/545  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:09] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Maphesto laughs out loud.
Sirdest says '%Lava gem arrives from east.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 1 time.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (289)/(541) -3 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem leaves north.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               961/1044 1204/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               289/541  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:12] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(289)/(541)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%|=>HP:[(289)/(541)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EX.'
Eronk [newbie]: yes
Sirdest says '%Lava gem leaves north.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem arrives from east.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 4 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (256)/(529) -33 SP (1483)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem leaves north.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(256)/(529)]<=|=>SP:[(1483)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Amd hits Lava gem 3 times.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               944/1039 1204/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               256/529  1483/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:16] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Pera arrives from down.
Sirdest says '%You utter the magic words 'withing thang walz' (Shelter).'
Sirdest says '%This location is now surrounded in a shimmering blue forcefield.'
Nullnullatte leaves west.
Sirdest says '%Hp (256)/(529)  SP (1381)/(1483) -102 EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: n, ne and e.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(256)/(529)]<=|=>SP:[(1381)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'.'
Info: Drakh enters the game.
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               944/1039 1204/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               256/529  1381/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:19] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off
la arena

+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               949/1039 1244/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               256/529  1381/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:23] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Juo [party]: jaha
Cilwand says 'mika on targetti, APUA.'
Nullnullatte arrives from east.
Sirdest says '% take major_heal from pack.'
Sirdest says '%You get 'flask' from your HUGE sturdy pack.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(256)/(529)]<=|=>SP:[(1381)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '% take major_heal from pack.'.'
p say otti miettimis aikaa :D
Nuane (party): otti miettimis aikaa :D
[21:19:29] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%You drink the contents of a flask containing layered bright blue liquid%.'
Sirdest exclaims '%Wow! You feel magically empowered... your mind momentarily expands!'
Sirdest says '%You save the rest of the potion.'
Sirdest says '%You are so full of liquid you feel like you might burst.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(256)/(529)]<=|=>SP:[(1381)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You drink the contents of a flask containing layered bright blue.'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: n, ne and e.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(256)/(529)]<=|=>SP:[(1381)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               949/1039 1244/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               256/529  1381/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:33] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Ragnhild arrives from down.
Sirdest says '%Hp (265)/(529)  SP (1424)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               949/1039 1244/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               265/529  1424/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:39] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%You feel like normal yourself again.'
Sirdest says '%Channel party is now on.'
Sirdest says '%Amd [party]: Fully healed.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(529)/(529)]<=|=>SP:[(1424)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Channel party is now on.'.'
Nullnullatte looks at orb.
Tonto (tarmalen): sniff
Sirdest says '%Kerzebel tells Zumbalo, Searc, Anjew and you 'uujes toi o finito iha just'.'
la arena
Info: Jeez recovers from link death.
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              1039/1039 1208/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               529/529  1424/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:44] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sudden enlightment takes over you.
Info: Kooper left the game.
Sirdest says '% l.'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: n, ne and e.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(529)/(529)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '% l.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              1039/1039 1208/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               529/529  1432/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:49] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Info: Dargon goes link dead.
Info: Kooper enters the game.
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              1039/1039 1325/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               529/529  1432/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:53] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%Zumbalo tells Searc, Anjew, Kerzebel and you 'moon tääl calys'.'
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: w, sw and s.'
Sirdest says '%Gem of burning lava <team 2>.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 4 times.'
Sirdest says '%Your armours absorb some of the damage.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 1 time.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(529)/(527)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
la arena
Sirdest says '%% zap gem with wand.'
Sirdest says '%You zap Lava gem with Custom wand named acid blast (1/100).'
Sirdest says '%You watch with selfpride as your acid blast hits Lava gem.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem screams in pain.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem's flex shield wobbles.'
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               497/955  1325/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               529/527  1432/1483 |                                      |
[21:19:58] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(529)/(527)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is noticeably hurt.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(529)/(527)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Amd hits Lava gem 4 times.'.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%You feel your will returning normal.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 1 time.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (502)/(526) -25 SP (1432)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem leaves west.'
Sirdest says '% sa.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(502)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%*****************************************************.'.'
Sirdest says '%Amd [party]: < Unpain DOWN > [2:35].'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(502)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Amd hits Lava gem 2 times.'.'
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(502)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You feel your will returning normal.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               492/953  1325/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               502/526  1432/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:02] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Info: Keffe recovers from link death.
Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: w, sw and s.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(502)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'.'
Sirdest says '% s.'
la arena
Sirdest says '%Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.'
Pera asks 'ketkä tappelee?'
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               468/946  1325/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               438/526  1432/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:04] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%          All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe.'
Sirdest says '%Obvious exits are: nw, n and w.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(502)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%%Lava gem arrives from northwest.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 4 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 4 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (438)/(526) -64 SP (1432)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is not in a good shape.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(502)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.'.'
Info: Zarx left the game.
Sirdest says '%You feel like your shield of energy blocked some physical damage.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 1 time.'
Juo buzzes 'era amd.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (406)/(526) -32 SP (1432)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '% ab.'
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(406)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% sa.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is not in a good shape.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(406)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You feel like your shield of energy blocked some physical damage.'.'
la arena
Viol [newbie]: i had aklys in my left hand, that was the problem. problem solved now, it is. thanks
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               453/941  1325/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               406/526  1432/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:07] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Mandigal quacks 'greater haste...'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 4 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 1 time.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (351)/(526) -55 SP (1432)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds).'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' (Cure critical wounds).'
Sirdest says '% sa.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is slightly hurt.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(351)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Hp (351)/(526) -55 SP (1432)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               656/940  1289/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               351/526  1432/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:10] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%But there's no-one with that name here.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(351)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%But there's no-one with that name here.'.'
Info: Zarx enters the game.
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 4 times.'
Sirdest exclaims '%You score a CRITICAL hit!'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (293)/(526) -58 SP (1432)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus zapracus' (True heal).'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus zapracus' (True heal).'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is in excellent shape. (90-100% hps)'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(293)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1432)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Lava gem hits Amd 4 times.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               931/931  1124/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               293/526  1432/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:13] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%You clap your hands together and say 'fzz mar nak grttzt' (Acid blast).'
Sirdest says '%You clap your hands together and say 'fzz mar nak grttzt' (Acid blast).'
Sirdest exclaims '%You pull out a handful of olivine powder which bursts into a zillion technicolour sparkles!'
Sirdest says '%You watch with selfpride as your acid blast hits Lava gem.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem's flex shield wobbles.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (293)/(526)  SP (1319)/(1483) -113 EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Your armours absorb some of the damage.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (282)/(526) -11 SP (1319)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is noticeably hurt.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(282)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1319)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You exclaim '%You pull out a handful of olivine powder which bursts into a.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               441/872  1124/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               282/526  1319/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:16] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 2 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (266)/(526) -16 SP (1319)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '% shake aegis at gem.'
Sirdest says '%You shake Aegis before gem.'
Sirdest exclaims '%Gem is stunned by fear from Aegis!'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(266)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1319)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%*****************************************************.'.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is noticeably hurt.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(266)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1319)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Lava gem hits Amd 2 times.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               437/872  1124/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               266/526  1319/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:19] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(266)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1319)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You start chanting.'.'
Sirdest says 'exciting.'
Info: Druff dies.
Info: Cola dies.
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with haste.'
Mandigal quacks 'hastes...'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Your armours absorb some of the damage.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 4 times.'
Sirdest exclaims '%You score a CRITICAL hit!'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem seems hurt and confused.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (235)/(526) -31 SP (1319)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is not in a good shape.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(235)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1319)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%% party report Lava gem lost concentration.'
Sirdest says '%Amd [report]: Lava gem lost concentration.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(235)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1319)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%Mandigal quacks 'hastes...'.'
Sirdest exclaims 'toe to toe!'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               388/872  1124/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               235/526  1319/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:22] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%Acid blast: ##.'
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with haste.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem hits Amd 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 3 times.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (200)/(526) -35 SP (1319)/(1483)  EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '% sa.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is not in a good shape.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(200)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1319)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Acid blast: ##.'.'
Mandigal quacks 'hastes...'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era               364/872  1124/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               200/526  1319/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:25] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Info: Chizra dies.
Sirdest says '%You are done with the chant.'
Sirdest says '%You clap your hands together and say 'fzz mar nak grttzt' (Acid blast).'
Sirdest says '%You clap your hands together and say 'fzz mar nak grttzt' (Acid blast).'
Sirdest exclaims '%You pull out a handful of olivine powder which bursts into a zillion technicolour sparkles!'
Sirdest says '%You watch with selfpride as your acid blast hits Lava gem.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem screams in pain.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem's flex shield wobbles.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.'
Sirdest says '%Your fine choice of components lowers the effort of the spell.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (200)/(526)  SP (1206)/(1483) -113 EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 4 times.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is near death.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(200)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1206)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Lava gem's flex shield wobbles.'.'
la arena
Viol [newbie]: what are aklys anyway?
Sirdest says '%You start chanting.'
Sirdest says '%You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.'
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              -167/872  1124/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               200/526  1206/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:28] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(200)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1206)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%You start chanting.'.'
Info: Trubadurix dies.
You go 'Ooooo...'.
[21:20:30] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 4 times.'
Sirdest says '%@Shardik claps at you.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is near death.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(200)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1206)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
Sirdest says '%You say '%Amd hits Lava gem 4 times.'.'
la arena
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              -190/872  1124/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               200/526  1206/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:31] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Geroth says 'Oh', with a blank look on his face.
Maphesto cheers enthusiastically.
Sirdest says '%You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.'
Sirdest says '%*****************************************************.'
Sirdest says '%Amd hits Lava gem 4 times.'
Sirdest says '% sa.'
Mandigal quacks 'greater haste...'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem is near death.'
Sirdest says '%|=>HP:[(200)/(526)]<=|=>SP:[(1206)/(1483)]<=|=>EP:[(284)/(284)]<=|=>EXP:[90244]<=|.'
la arena
Sirdest says '%You say '%You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste.'.'
Mandigal quacks 'greater haste...'
+-- Team 2 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Era              -214/872  1124/1345 |                                      |
+-- Team 1 --------- Hp ------ Sp ------------------------- Hp ------ Sp ----
| Amd               200/526  1206/1483 |                                      |
[21:20:34] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Mardus <party>: oho
The arena master shouts 'Lava gem of team 2 dies and is removed from the arena!'
The arena master shouts 'Fight is over! Winner is team 1 which consists of Amd'
Sirdest says '%You are done with the chant.'
Enochian (party): no hoho
Sirdest says '%You clap your hands together and say 'fzz mar nak grttzt' (Acid blast).'
Sirdest says '%You clap your hands together and say 'fzz mar nak grttzt' (Acid blast).'
Sirdest exclaims '%You pull out a handful of olivine powder which bursts into a zillion technicolour sparkles!'
Sirdest says '%You feel connected to the very essence of magic.'
Sirdest says '%You watch with selfpride as your acid blast hits Lava gem.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem screams in pain.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem's flex shield wobbles.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem dies in a massive fit of convulsions.'
Sirdest says '%Era dies and is carried away by two clerics.'
Sirdest says '%The arena master shouts 'Lava gem of team 2 dies and is removed from the arena!'.'
Sirdest says '%Lava gem leaves away.'
Sirdest says '%Your fine choice of components lowers the effort of the spell.'
Sirdest says '%Hp (200)/(526)  SP (1093)/(1483) -113 EP (284)/(284)   ().'
Sirdest says '%The arena master shouts 'Fight is over! Winner is team 1 which consists of Amd'.'
Sirdest says '%This is a small chamber down in the arena-building, where the magical arena of.'
Sirdest says '%Team 1 door (closed) leads team1.'
Sirdest says '%Sirdar Silverfang the Wizard.'
la arena
There is no fight going on.
[21:20:37] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Farliss is absolutely stunned and amazed and can only say 'Wow...'.
Tyro goes 'Ooooo...'.
Sirdest says '%Lava gem arrives from west.'
You go 'mmmmm...'.
[21:20:44] hp 543/543  sp 1134/1134  ep 265/265  xp 10463  $ 4940/5987  wimpy off

Nullnullatte leaves down.
Madmalk [newbie]: an axe - look at it for desc
Sirdest says '%Lava gem leaves up.'
[bat]: Amd says 'YES'!
Weaponsmith shouts 'All the wares in my shop are available for only 69% of  their real value FOR A LIMITED TIME!'
Xunisiih quacks 'nice match.'
Tyro roars 'yeah.'
Malacoda nods solemnly.
Cutter leaves down.
Sirdar shouts 'Amd prevails over Lava Gem!'