Torturer arrives from southeast.
Your knowledge about Torturer's tactics allows you to evade the ambush.
cast info
scan all
party report Valkrist has gone UNCONSCIOUS!
Valkrist lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
A large cavity replaces Valkrist's chest.
Valkrist is DEAD, R.I.P.
Torturer shouts 'Time to meet your maker, Valkrist!'
Valkrist dies.
Valkrist's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
hp 101/766 (-845) | sp 1118/914 () | ep 162/162 (+11)
You feel yourself full again, as the curse of The Grand Master Torturer
lifts off from your wrecked body. Your condition improves at once.
The Grand Master Torturer takes your hand and locks up into a waltz
with you! One, two, three,.. One, two, three,.. Your feel your bodily
health waning away as the dance goes on and on.. You have been CURSED.
Nuane has been CURSED.
Hurin has been CURSED.
Kawasa has been CURSED.
Narril has been CURSED.
Ritari has been CURSED.
Zup has been CURSED.
Koan has been CURSED.
Cealdyn has been CURSED.
Info: Gnort goes link dead.
Cealdyn [party(helpy helper)]: Valkrist has gone UNCONSCIOUS!
Koan chants with an eerie hollow voice some arcane sounding words.
Nothing seems to happen.
Ghost of Valkrist (report): I'm DYING!
Ghost of Valkrist (report): I'm NO longer STUNNED!
Ghost of Valkrist (report): HURT!
You are not doing anything at the moment.
[18:01:42] hp 101/766  sp 1118/914  ep 162/162  xp 1336  $ 0/98516  wimpy off
You lost/spent 2664 xp.

Kawasa leaves northeast.
Kawasa left somewhere.
Torturer is noticeably hurt. (50-65% hps)
[18:01:42] hp 101/766  sp 1118/914  ep 162/162  xp 1336  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

| 1.1   Hurin         ldr  107( 891)  318( 807) 203(203) | 100 |            0 |
| ?.?   Valkrist     dead    1( 820)  400( 567) 169(166) |  90 |            0 |
| ?.?   Murrough     dead    1( 571)  710( 789)  79(159) | 100 |            0 |
| ?.?   Ritari        mbr  153( 741)  408(1085) 238(247) | 100 |            0 |
| ?.?   Narril        mbr  219( 553) 1440(1749) 154(154) |  92 |            0 |
| ?.?   Nuane         mbr  101( 766) 1118( 914) 162(162) | 100 |            0 |
| ?.?   Kawasa        mbr  449( 825) 1327(1428) 320(320) |  92 |            0 |
| ?.?   Balthas      dead    1( 573) 1518(1431) 155(150) |  98 |            0 |
| ?.?   Eraser        mbr 1042(1042)  258( 435) 162(162) |  97 |            0 |
[18:01:42] hp 101/766  sp 1118/914  ep 162/162  xp 1336  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Nuane (report): Valkrist has gone UNCONSCIOUS!
[18:01:42] hp 101/766  sp 1118/914  ep 162/162  xp 1336  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

[18:01:42] hp 101/766  sp 1118/914  ep 162/162  xp 1336  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

hp 101/766 () | sp 914/914 (-204) | ep 162/162 ()
Koan sings: 'What child is this, who laid to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping, angels greet with anthems sweet while shepherds guard are keeping? This, this is Christ the king, whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to bring him laude the babe, the son of Mary!' (Campfire tune)
Koan sings the tune with pride, being a member of the leading guild!
Koan's song heals some of your wounds.
cast info
scan all
Ritari swears and seems to be somewhat confused.
party report Ritari has gone UNCONSCIOUS!
Ritari lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
YUCH, Ritari's entrails spill all over the place.
Ritari is DEAD, R.I.P.
Torturer shouts 'Ritari barely scratched me before dying!'
Ritari dies.
Ritari's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
hp 200/766 (+99) | sp 914/914 () | ep 162/162 ()
Ghost of Ritari [report]: Unstun Used.
Ghost of Ritari [report]: Stun OFF.[03:06]
Cealdyn [party(helpy helper)]: Ritari has gone UNCONSCIOUS!
Koan chants with an eerie hollow voice some arcane sounding words.
Nothing seems to happen.
Hurin [report]: Aether Armour Expires. [12m37s]
You are not doing anything at the moment.
[18:01:44] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1336  $ 0/98516  wimpy off
p' hahha

Torturer is noticeably hurt. (50-65% hps)
[18:01:45] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1336  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

| 1.1   Hurin         ldr  226( 891)  318( 807) 203(203) | 100 |            0 |
| ?.?   Valkrist     dead    1( 820)  400( 567) 169(166) |  90 |            0 |
| ?.?   Murrough     dead    1( 571)  710( 789)  79(159) | 100 |            0 |
| ?.?   Ritari       dead    1( 566)  408( 743) 238(152) | 100 |            0 |
| ?.?   Narril        mbr  314( 552) 1440(1749) 154(154) |  92 |            0 |
| ?.?   Nuane         mbr  200( 766)  914( 914) 162(162) | 100 |            0 |
| ?.?   Kawasa        mbr  449( 825) 1317(1428) 320(320) |  92 |            0 |
| ?.?   Balthas      dead    1( 573) 1518(1431) 155(150) |  98 |            0 |
| ?.?   Eraser        mbr 1042(1042)  258( 435) 162(162) |  97 |            0 |
[18:01:45] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1336  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Nuane (report): Ritari has gone UNCONSCIOUS!
[18:01:45] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1336  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

[18:01:45] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1336  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Cealdyn starts concentrating on a new spell.
Narril starts following the leader.
You start following the leader in your old place.
You feel yourself full again, as the curse of The Grand Master Torturer
lifts off from your wrecked body. Your condition improves at once.
The Grand Master Torturer takes your hand and locks up into a waltz
with you! One, two, three,.. One, two, three,.. Your feel your bodily
health waning away as the dance goes on and on.. You have been CURSED.
Nuane has been CURSED.
Hurin has been CURSED.
Narril has been CURSED.
Zup has been CURSED.
Koan has been CURSED.
Cealdyn has been CURSED.
Narril is now in the 1st row.
cast info
scan all
Hurin's flex shield wobbles.
Hurin's flex shield wobbles.
Hurin's flex shield wobbles.
party report Hurin has gone UNCONSCIOUS!
Hurin lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
Hurin's flex shield wobbles.
You hear the horrendous death-cry of the Hurin as it dies.
Hurin is DEAD, R.I.P.
Torturer shouts 'Hurin died like a DOG!'
Hurin dies.
party report I'm leading now, grab your bandages and hide the women and children :(
You are the new leader of the party.
Hurin's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black.
hp 200/766 () | sp 914/914 () | ep 162/162 ()
Nuane (party): hahha
[18:01:46] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off
You gained 28 xp.

Eraser [party]: menee fioco spt!
Zup leaves northeast.
Cealdyn [party(helpy helper)]: Hurin has gone UNCONSCIOUS!
Koan chants with an eerie hollow voice some arcane sounding words.
Nothing seems to happen.
Ghost of Hurin [party]: No longer stunned!
Ghost of Hurin [party]: Flex Shield Expires. [1m18s]
Narril [report]: casting concealed
Cealdyn quacks 'wtf.'
The path of pain (n,sw,se).
Zup the Duck < helpy helper >
Kawasa Sekawa the Duck poketipok < planetary black elements >
[18:01:47] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

You are not doing anything at the moment.
[18:01:48] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

You are not in combat right now.
[18:01:48] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

| 1.3   Nuane         ldr  200( 766)  914( 914) 162(162) | 100 |           33 |
| ?.?   Hurin        dead    1( 690)  318( 592) 203(149) | 100 |           45 |
| ?.?   Valkrist     dead    1( 820)  400( 567) 169(166) |  90 |            1 |
| ?.?   Murrough     dead    1( 571)  710( 789)  79(159) | 100 |            1 |
| ?.?   Ritari       dead    1( 566)  408( 743) 238(152) | 100 |            1 |
| ?.?   Narril        mbr  314( 552) 1440(1749) 154(154) |  92 |           35 |
| ?.?   Kawasa        mbr  449( 825) 1317(1428) 320(320) |  92 |           35 |
| ?.?   Balthas      dead    1( 573) 1518(1431) 155(150) |  98 |            1 |
| ?.?   Eraser        mbr 1042(1042)  130( 435) 162(162) |  97 |          110 |
[18:01:48] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Nuane (report): Hurin has gone UNCONSCIOUS!
[18:01:48] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

[18:01:48] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Hurin cannot follow from that location.
Valkrist cannot follow from that location.
Murrough cannot follow from that location.
Ritari cannot follow from that location.
Narril cannot follow from that location.
Kawasa starts following the leader.
Balthas cannot follow from that location.
Eraser cannot follow from that location.
[18:01:48] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Nuane (report): I'm leading now, grab your bandages and hide the women and children :(
[18:01:48] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Kawasa claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus ignius' (Cure serious wounds)
Kawasa is now in the 2nd row.
Kawasa is now in the 1st row.
Torturer shouts 'Narril was too easy! I want a tougher challenge!'
Info: Narril dies.
Narril dies.
Koan arrives from southwest.
Cealdyn arrives from southwest.
Cealdyn [party(helpy helper)]: Narril has gone UNCONSCIOUS!
Koan chants with an eerie hollow voice some arcane sounding words.
Nothing seems to happen.
Ghost of Valkrist (report): Elec prot [OFF] (12m4s)
Ghost of Narril [report]: Broke Stun
Ghost of Hurin [party]: jaahas
Koan leaves north.
Cealdyn leaves north.
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
The path of pain (n,sw,se).
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
The corridor ends bluntly. Here you can choose from two different paths.
You see a pit to the southeast. Maybe you could jump over it to the other
side. It is rather far away, though. You get the creeps from coming here.
You stumble upon a cracked skull. Must've been someone's who was unluckier
than you. On the southern wall reads 'Halls of Pain.'
Obvious exits are: n, sw and se.
Zup the Duck < helpy helper >
Kawasa Sekawa the Duck poketipok < planetary black elements >
[18:01:51] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Kawasa leaves north.
Kawasa left somewhere.
Ghost of Balthas (party): wot
Cealdyn [party(helpy helper)]: se tuli kyl��
p' *love juggelo*
(party): Nuane whispers sweet words of love to Juggelo.
[18:02:00] hp 200/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

hp 213/766 (+13) | sp 914/914 () | ep 162/162 ()
Ghost of Balthas (party): nuuh
Ghost of Valkrist (report): AoA [OFF] (12m46s)
Ghost of Hurin [party]: joo tuli per�s
Info: Hallu goes link dead.
You feel like Dione healed you a bit.
hp 293/766 (+80) | sp 914/914 () | ep 162/162 ()
Eraser [report]: < Lightning Shield DOWN > [12:10]
Ghost of Balthas (party): cealdyn el� raisee sit jos on siin viel
Info: Handless left the game.
Ghost of Narril [report]: War Ensemble Expires. [10m16s]
Ghost of Hurin [report]: Glory of Destruction Expires. [12m30s]
Info: Handless enters the game.
Zup starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zup [party(helpy helper)]: raising hurin
Zup [party(helpy helper)]: menin ne
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
The path of pain (n,sw,se).
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
The corridor ends bluntly. Here you can choose from two different paths.
You see a pit to the southeast. Maybe you could jump over it to the other
side. It is rather far away, though. You get the creeps from coming here.
You stumble upon a cracked skull. Must've been someone's who was unluckier
than you. On the southern wall reads 'Halls of Pain.'
Obvious exits are: n, sw and se.
Zup the Duck < helpy helper >
[18:02:21] hp 293/766  sp 914/914  ep 162/162  xp 1364  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Ghost of Valkrist (report): Cold prot [OFF] (13m13s)
hp 293/766 () | sp 914/914 () | ep 162/162 ()
Kawasa [party]: h�m h�m
party report Glory of destruction down. [12m30s]
The destructive forces leave your body.
Nuane (report): Glory of destruction down. [12m30s]
[18:02:26] hp 293/760  sp 914/914  ep 162/158  xp 1366  $ 0/98516  wimpy off
You gained 2 xp.

Kawasa [party]: acceptei
You ask 'clair?'
[18:02:27] hp 293/760  sp 914/914  ep 162/158  xp 1366  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

hp 309/760 (+16) | sp 914/914 () | ep 162/158 ()
Info: Serpens enters the game.
Cealdyn [party(helpy helper)]: You are casting 'raise dead' at 'balthas'.
Zup quacks '        +-+-+.'
Zup quacks '        |  O|.'
Zup quacks '        +-+-+.'
Zup quacks '          |.'
Zup quacks '        +-+-+.'
Zup quacks '        | P |.'
Zup quacks '        /---\.'
Zup quacks '       /     \.'
Zup quacks '  +---/       +---+.'
Zup quacks '  |M O|       |  O|.'
Zup quacks '  +---\       +^+-+.'
Kawasa [report]: raising murrough
fall Torturer arrives from southeast.
Info: Trubadurix goes link dead.
?uane (fall+): Torturer arrives from southeast.
[18:02:38] hp 309/760  sp 914/914  ep 162/158  xp 1366  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Info: Goa goes link dead.
Zup invokes the powers of ancient gods and chants 'vokinsalak elfirtluassa' (Raise dead)
Zup invokes the powers of ancient gods and chants 'vokinsalak elfirtluassa' (Raise dead)
Zup falters and loses her spell.
Zup starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zup [party(helpy helper)]: raising hurin
Info: Aga left the game.
Ghost of Hurin [party]: kaikki tankit alle 100 ja se tuli per�s :)
Ghost of Ritari [report]: War ensemble OFF. [10:49]
Info: Tyger enters the game.
(fall+): ?yriikka cheerfully waves and says 'hello'.
Ghost of Valkrist (party): joo
Eraser [party]: trackkasko? :)
Eraser [party]: jahas


Hurin walks into the deepest shadows and disappears!
Hurin left somewhere.
Nuane's demon feels easier to control than usual.
Nuane's spider demon draws power from you.
Timer now at 105 secs.
Zup [party(helpy helper)]: sinne vaa magen tilalle tms jos ei tarvi
Kawasa stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control/sacrifice)
Kawasa stands firmly and chants 'infernalicus domus arachnid rex' (Spider demon control/sacrifice)
hp 1250/1250 () | sp 892/1221 (-134) | ep 524/522 ()
Info: Eressa left the game.
enter web
Balthas walks into the deepest shadows and disappears!
Balthas left somewhere.
Ok. You enter the webs.
Cave complex deep beneath the surface (e,n,d).
Some light penetrates the webs here
Balthas Honeybunny the Thrikhren < planetary black elements >
You stop following the leader.
[20:04:59] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1221  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Eraser [party]: e?
Balthas leaves east.
Cave complex deep beneath the surface (e,u,w).
Some light penetrates the webs here
Balthas Honeybunny the Thrikhren < planetary black elements >
[20:05:00] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1221  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off
enter web

Kawasa [party]: jaa ny alko jumettaa taas
Ok. You enter the webs.
The deathwater room (se,ne).
Spiders have made a large web into a corner here, a stack of 9 spheres
(standard), a gleaming green emerald, a huge pile of mowgles
coins and a big pile of gold coins
Hurin Den the black Centaur Bens mighty brother < planetary black elements >
[20:05:01] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1221  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Valkrist left somewhere.
Kawasa left somewhere.
| 1.3   Eraser        ldr 1427(1427)  208( 470) 405(405) |  97 |         1251 |
| 2.1   Murrough      fol 1129(1156)  817(1149) 404(479) | 100 |         1150 |
| 3.1   Narril        fol  574( 574) 1375(1424) 253(253) |  92 |         1238 |
| 3.3   Ritari        fol  232(1058)  672(1225) 300(422) | 100 |         1150 |
| ?.?   Valkrist      mbr 1293(1293)  111( 567) 316(404) |  90 |         1080 |
| ?.?   Hurin         mbr 1153(1355)  474( 767) 383(434) | 100 |         5399 |
| ?.?   Balthas       mbr  683( 683) 1577(1601) 187(261) |  98 |         1137 |
| ?.?   Nuane         mbr 1250(1250)  892(1221) 524(522) | 100 |         1184 |
| ?.?   Kawasa        mbr  652( 981)  860(1339) 294(467) |  92 |         1135 |
[20:05:02] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1221  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Narril left somewhere.
Ritari left somewhere.
Cealdyn [party(helpy helper)]: m� voin kiskasta 15m
Murrough left somewhere.
Eraser has moved to a new environment.
p' e
Eraser has moved to a new environment.
Nuane (party): e
[20:05:04] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1221  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Ritari starts following the leader.
Ritari [report]: concealed casting.
Valkrist starts following the leader.
Hurin starts following the leader.
Balthas starts following the leader.
Narril starts following the leader.
You start following the leader in your old place.
Murrough starts following the leader.
Kawasa starts following the leader.
| 1.1   Hurin         fol 1153(1355)  474( 767) 383(434) | 100 |         5399 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1293(1293)  111( 567) 316(404) |  90 |         1080 |
| 1.3   Eraser        ldr 1427(1427)  208( 470) 405(405) |  97 |         1251 |
| 2.1   Murrough      fol 1129(1156)  817(1149) 404(479) | 100 |         1150 |
| 2.2   Nuane         fol 1250(1250)  892(1221) 524(522) | 100 |         1184 |
| 2.3   Balthas       fol  683( 683) 1577(1601) 187(261) |  98 |         1137 |
| 3.1   Narril        fol  574( 574) 1375(1424) 253(253) |  92 |         1238 |
| 3.2   Kawasa        fol  652( 981)  860(1339) 294(467) |  92 |         1135 |
| 3.3   Ritari        fol  232(1058)  672(1225) 300(422) | 100 |         1150 |
[20:05:07] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1221  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Eraser [party]: meni
eqset wear dam_qc
The fleshy mask makes an audible *pop* sound as it reluctantly releases from your face.
You remove the ring from your finger and those million thoughts disappear....
You remove the ring from your finger and those million thoughts disappear....
You remove the collar, and the tightness around your neck is gone..
You remove a white glove labeled as (Nuane) <red glow>, a white glove labeled as (Nuane) <red glow>, Belt of bones <|kyo|> <green glow>, a black hood labeled as (Nuane), a mithril ring, called 'eckma' labeled as (Nuane) <red glow>, a mithril ring, called 'eckma' <purple glow> and a collar made of black silk labeled as (Nuane) <red glow>.
You wear the shining helm of azakh-khanan labeled as (Nuane) <orange glow>, Girdle of Ethereal Power labeled as wisgirdle (Nuane) <red glow>, Ring of quickchant [Made by: Stargazer] labeled as 6qc1spr, Ring Of Wis [Made by: Arnoldi] labeled as 6wis1dex (Nuane), gloves of Nimbleness labeled as (Mape) <red glow> and an unholy clerical collar.
** Cost for 'eqset wear dam_qc': Cost: utime:26 stime:0 ticks:213840 **
[20:05:08] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1224  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Ritari removes something.
Ritari wears something.
Narril removes something.
Narril removes something.
Narril removes something.
Narril smiles absentmindedly.
Narril wears something.
Eraser leaves southeast.
Valkrist leaves southeast.
Hurin leaves southeast.
Balthas leaves southeast.
Ritari leaves southeast.
Narril leaves southeast.
The new Torturing chamber, the Hall of utter Torment (downnortheast,nw).
Narril Alquatar the Thrikhren Insane Demagogue < planetary black elements >
Ritari Assa the dark Drow < planetary black elements >
Balthas Honeybunny the Thrikhren < planetary black elements >
Hurin Den the black Centaur Bens mighty brother < planetary black elements >
Valkrist the Lich < planetary black elements >
Eraser Schwarzenegger the shining member of Tinmen < planetary black elements >
the Grand Master Torturer
Murrough arrives from northwest.
Kawasa arrives from northwest.
Eraser starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Valkrist (report): Cold prot [OFF] (12m5s)
You have an unusual feeling as you cast the spell.
You start chanting.
[20:05:11] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1224  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Balthas starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Ritari [report]: concealed casting.
Narril [report]: casting concealed
reaver threaten torturer
Valkrist starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Can only threaten once per 10 minutes.
[20:05:12] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1224  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Ritari starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
| 1.1   Hurin         fol 1153(1355)  474( 767) 383(434) | 100 |         5399 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1293(1293)  180( 567) 328(404) |  90 |         1080 |
| 1.3   Eraser        ldr 1203(1363)  208( 470) 405(405) |  97 |         1251 |
| 2.1   Murrough      fol 1129(1156)  817(1149) 404(479) | 100 |         1150 |
| 2.2   Nuane         fol 1250(1250)  892(1224) 524(522) | 100 |         1184 |
| 2.3   Balthas       fol  683( 683) 1577(1601) 187(261) |  98 |         1137 |
| 3.1   Narril        fol  574( 574) 1375(1424) 253(253) |  92 |         1238 |
| 3.2   Kawasa        fol  652( 981)  860(1339) 294(467) |  92 |         1135 |
| 3.3   Ritari        fol  232(1044)  672(1061) 300(430) | 100 |         1150 |
[20:05:13] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1224  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Torturer suddenly pushes a hidden button in the iron maiden!
Torturer says 'Hurin, visit my PETS!! Begone! MUAHAHAHA!'
A trapdoor opens right under Hurin!
Hurin falls through the trapdoor!!
Harm body: 6
Harm body: 4 (greater haste)
Hurin [report]: *got ambushed!*
cast info
scan all
Eraser's flex shield wobbles.
Narril fills up his cheeks with air and exhales 'zot mar nak grttzt' (Electrocution)
As Narril casts the spell, he pulls out a small piece of electrum wire which bursts into a million prismatic starbursts.
Narril grins as his electrocution hits Torturer.
Harm body: 3
Harm body: 1 (greater haste)
Kawasa claps her hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
Kawasa casts a harming spell on Torturer.
You are casting 'harm body'.
[20:05:17] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1224  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Torturer is near death. (0-10% hps)
[20:05:17] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1224  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

| 1.1   Hurin         fol 1153(1355)  474( 767) 383(434) | 100 |         5399 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1293(1293)  180( 567) 328(404) |  90 |         1080 |
| 1.3   Eraser        ldr  850(1264)  208( 470) 405(405) |  97 |         1251 |
| 2.1   Murrough      fol 1129(1156)  817(1149) 404(479) | 100 |         1150 |
| 2.2   Nuane         fol 1250(1250)  892(1224) 524(522) | 100 |         1184 |
| 2.3   Balthas       fol  683( 683) 1577(1601) 187(261) |  98 |         1137 |
| 3.1   Narril        fol  574( 574) 1282(1424) 253(253) |  92 |         1238 |
| 3.2   Kawasa        fol  652( 981)  748(1339) 294(467) |  92 |         1135 |
| 3.3   Ritari        fol  232(1044)  672(1061) 300(430) | 100 |         1150 |
[20:05:17] hp 1250/1250  sp 892/1224  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Narril [report]: Torturer (Writhes 20% resist) (Electric)
Zup [party(helpy helper)]: noni t��l bidataa hei kovasti,antaaks joku tilaa sielt�
Narril [report]: casting concealed
Eraser starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
cast info
scan all
Torturer suddenly pushes a hidden button in the iron maiden!
Torturer says 'Hurin, visit my PETS!! Begone! MUAHAHAHA!'
A trapdoor opens right under Hurin!
Hurin falls through the trapdoor!!
Hurin leaves pit.
Hurin left somewhere.
Murrough is now in the 1st row.
Narril is now in the 2nd row.
Ritari claps his hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Ritari casts a harming spell on Torturer.
Murrough claps her hands and whispers 'yugzhrr paf' (Aneurysm)
Murrough casts a harming spell on Torturer.
You are done with the chant.
You clap your hands and whisper 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
You use your right hand for channeling harmful powers.
You harm Torturer really much.
You feel the discontent of Burglefloogah as you harm an evil being.
hp 1250/1250 () | sp 903/1224 (+11) | ep 524/522 ()
You are not doing anything at the moment.
[20:05:20] hp 1250/1250  sp 903/1224  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Torturer is near death. (0-10% hps)
[20:05:20] hp 1250/1250  sp 903/1224  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

| 1.1   Murrough      fol 1129(1156)  642(1149) 404(479) | 100 |         1150 |
| 1.2   Valkrist      fol 1293(1293)  180( 567) 328(404) |  90 |         1080 |
| 1.3   Eraser        ldr  403(1146)  208( 470) 405(405) |  97 |         1251 |
| 2.1   Narril        fol  574( 598) 1282(1563) 253(266) |  92 |         1238 |
| 2.2   Nuane         fol 1250(1250)  903(1224) 524(522) | 100 |         1184 |
| 2.3   Balthas       fol  683( 683) 1577(1601) 187(261) |  98 |         1137 |
| 3.2   Kawasa        fol  652( 981)  748(1339) 294(467) |  92 |         1135 |
| 3.3   Ritari        fol  232(1044)  536(1061) 300(430) | 100 |         1150 |
| ?.?   Hurin         mbr 1145(1355)  474( 767) 383(434) | 100 |         5399 |
[20:05:20] hp 1250/1250  sp 903/1224  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Koan (party(helpy helper)): noh jos nyt kuolee ni kuolkoon
Eraser [report]: < Unpain DOWN > [0:24]
Ritari [report]: concealed casting.
You start chanting.
[20:05:21] hp 1250/1250  sp 903/1224  ep 524/522  xp 49  $ 0/98516  wimpy off

Balthas (party): 1
Cealdyn [party(helpy helper)]: taino
Hurin [report]: *got ambushed!*
Eraser starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
cast info
scan all
Torturer suddenly pushes a hidden button in the iron maiden!
Torturer says 'Murrough, visit my PETS!! Begone! MUAHAHAHA!'
A trapdoor opens right under Murrough!
Murrough falls through the trapdoor!!
Murrough leaves pit.
Murrough left somewhere.
Valkrist plays the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH*h***Gdg' (Con fioco)
Valkrist grins as his con fioco hits Torturer.
Torturer moves on to happier hunting grounds.
lich drain
Torturer is DEAD, R.I.P.
The magic mist around the dead Torturer's neck leaps to Balthas's Kerbholz.
The magic mist around the dead Torturer's neck leaps to Valkrist's Kerbholz.
The magic mist around the dead Torturer's neck leaps to your Kerbholz.
A new mark appears.
hp 1250/1250 () | sp 903/1224 () | ep 524/522 ()
Word of blasting: 1
Narril is now in the 1st row.
Channel holz is now on.
You are casting 'word of blasting'.
[20:05:23] hp 1250/1250  sp 903/1224  ep 524/522  xp 96587  $ 0/98516  wimpy off
You gained 96538 xp.