Zenick leaves north.
Neth leaves north.
Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.
Necorp's tower chamber (se,s,sw).
Neth Acks the dented member of Tinmen < humh >
Zenick Zuranthus the transparent Shadow < humh >
a shadowy man clad in steel (conjured by Necorp)
Lord Necorp, the leech Mindcrafter
a large dog-shaped shadow with burning red eyes
Brokus prances in from south.
Zup arrives from south.
Sancran arrives from south.
Slobber arrives from south.
Kawasa arrives from south.
Brokus starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
You start chanting.
[20:25:56] hp 1151/1151  sp 647/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Neth starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Kawasa starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Harm body: 6
Harm body: 5 (haste)
Sancran (report): Cold Ray ->
Slobber starts concentrating on a new spell.
Brokus [report]: Psionic phalanx off (14m 26s)
Zup [report]: Psionic Phalanx Expires. [13m53s]
Brokus meeps loudly.
cast info
scan all
Nightmare warrior sticks Neth.
Neth dodges.
Nightmare warrior nips Neth.
#$%&&&! Necorp tumbles your dodge.
Necorp tears you.
You parry.
...AND riposte.
You dodge.
Necorp misses.
Shadow bloodhound misses.
Shadow bloodhound misses.
Neth parries.
Necorp dodges.
Necorp parries.
hp 1089/1151 (-62) | sp 647/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
Necorp traces fiery blue runes in the air '^ !)' (Flex shield)
Shadow bloodhound's flex shield wobbles, PINGs and vanishes.
You sense Shadow bloodhound's body being covered by a flex shield.
Nightmare warrior glares coldly.
Harm body: 4
You are casting 'harm body'.
[20:26:00] hp 1089/1151  sp 647/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Shadow bloodhound is slightly hurt. (65-80% hps)
Necorp is in bad shape. (20-35% hps)
Nightmare warrior is in excellent shape. (90-100% hps)
[20:26:00] hp 1089/1151  sp 647/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1089(1151)  647(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1147(1188)   42(  42) 288(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  842( 949)  311( 525) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451) 1501(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  650( 650) 1065(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  683( 683) 1066(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  744( 744) 1045(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  705( 705)  941(1475) 260(260) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:00] hp 1089/1151  sp 647/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Neth (party): meh
Niliz [sales]: 70k
cast info
scan all
Necorp dodges.
Nightmare warrior misses.
You dodge.
You dodge.
Neth dodges.
Necorp misses.
Neth parries.
Necorp misses.
Neth dodges.
Shadow bloodhound pricks Neth.
Shadow bloodhound misses.
Necorp dodges.
Slobber smacks Necorp.
Neth's powerful bash sends Necorp sprawling to the floor.
Harm body: 3
Zenick flaps her arms and utters the magic words 'ghht mar nak grttzt' (Blast vacuum)
As Zenick casts the spell, she pulls out a bronze marble which bursts into a million prismatic starbursts.
Zenick grins as her blast vacuum hits Necorp.
You are casting 'harm body'.
[20:26:03] hp 1089/1151  sp 647/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Shadow bloodhound is slightly hurt. (65-80% hps)
Necorp is in bad shape. (20-35% hps)
Nightmare warrior is in excellent shape. (90-100% hps)
[20:26:03] hp 1089/1151  sp 647/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1089(1151)  647(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1139(1188)   42(  42) 278(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  842( 949)  311( 525) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451) 1501(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  650( 650)  951(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  683( 683) 1066(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  744( 744) 1045(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  705( 705)  941(1475) 260(260) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:03] hp 1089/1151  sp 647/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Neth starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Zup starts concentrating on a new spell.
cast info
scan all
Nightmare warrior misses.
Nightmare warrior misses.
You dodge.
You parry.
...AND riposte.
Necorp misses.
Necorp misses.
Necorp munches you.
Shadow bloodhound misses.
Slobber parries.
Slobber dodges.
hp 976/1151 (-113) | sp 647/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
Slobber sings: 'You say you don't believe this unity will last, nobody said it would be perfect, but co-operate, share your pain and strength. Together we are strong.
You feel great unity with your party members.
Harm body: 2
Zup claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo mangenic' (Major party heal)
Zup's spell heals you. You feel very much better.
You are casting 'harm body'.
[20:26:06] hp 1075/1151  sp 647/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Shadow bloodhound is slightly hurt. (65-80% hps)
Necorp is in bad shape. (20-35% hps)
Nightmare warrior is in excellent shape. (90-100% hps)
[20:26:06] hp 1075/1151  sp 647/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1075(1151)  647(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1184(1188)   42(  42) 278(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  939( 949)  192( 525) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451) 1501(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  650( 650)  951(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  683( 683) 1066(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  744( 744) 1045(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  705( 705)  853(1475) 260(260) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:06] hp 1075/1151  sp 647/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Kawasa [party]: Unity ON!
cast info
scan all
Neth cuts Necorp.
Necorp parries.
..AND ripostes.
Nightmare warrior misses.
Nightmare warrior misses.
Nightmare warrior bites Slobber.
You parry.
...AND riposte.
Necorp misses.
Necorp misses.
Necorp misses.
Slobber parries.
Shadow bloodhound misses.
Slobber parries.
You incise Necorp.
Slobber smacks Necorp.
hp 1075/1151 (+99) | sp 647/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
Kawasa utters the magic words 'ex'domus naz' (Flames of righteousness)
Kawasa raises her dazzling BURNING crucifix of Las and surroundings
burst into white holy flames.
Kawasa hits Nightmare warrior, Necorp and Shadow bloodhound with her flames of righteousness.
Sancran waves her index finger while uttering 'cah mar nak grttzt' (Cold ray)
As Sancran casts the spell, she pulls out a steel arrowhead which bursts into a million prismatic starbursts.
Sancran grins as her cold ray hits Necorp.
Brokus flaps her arms and utters the magic words 'ghht mar nak grttzt' (Blast vacuum)
As Brokus casts the spell, she pulls out a bronze marble which bursts into a million prismatic starbursts.
Brokus grins as her blast vacuum hits Necorp.
Harm body: 1
Zenick flaps her arms and utters the magic words 'ghht mar nak grttzt' (Blast vacuum)
As Zenick casts the spell, she pulls out a bronze marble which bursts into a million prismatic starbursts.
Zenick grins as her blast vacuum hits Necorp.
Shadow bloodhound utters the magic words 'zot zur semen' (Blast lightning)
Shadow bloodhound grins as its blast lightning hits Neth.
Spider Queen smiles upon you and helps you control the demon.
Timer now at 93 secs.
You are casting 'harm body'.
[20:26:09] hp 1075/1151  sp 634/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Slobber starts concentrating on a new spell.
Shadow bloodhound is in bad shape. (20-35% hps)
Necorp is in very bad shape. (10-20% hps)
Nightmare warrior is in a good shape. (80-90% hps)
[20:26:09] hp 1075/1151  sp 634/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Brokus [report]: screams asp
| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1075(1151)  634(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1109(1188)   42(  42) 278(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  929( 949)  192( 525) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451) 1384(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  650( 650)  837(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  681( 682)  949(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  744( 744)  880(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  692( 702)  853(1475) 260(260) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:09] hp 1075/1151  sp 634/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Brokus starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Damajer [sales]: 80
Sancran (report): Cold Ray ->
cast info
scan all
Nightmare warrior sticks you.
Nightmare warrior misses.
You parry.
...AND riposte.
Necorp shoves you.
Necorp wounds you.
Necorp kicks you.
#$%&&&! Necorp tumbles your dodge.
Necorp munches you.
You parry.
Shadow bloodhound misses.
Shadow bloodhound misses.
Slobber lightly slams Necorp with shield.
hp 842/1151 (-233) | sp 634/1055 (-13) | ep 532/530 ()
Necorp claps his hands and says 'omm mar nak grttzt gnatlnamauch' (Psychic storm)
Necorp hits Kawasa, Slobber, Sancran, Zup, Brokus, Nuane, Neth and Zenick with his psychic storm.
Neth's powerful bash sends Necorp sprawling to the floor.
hp 579/1151 (-263) | sp 634/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
You are done with the chant.
You clap your hands and whisper 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
The curse in your battleaxe allows you to channel harmful power through it!
You harm Necorp really much.
 ..The power of Burglefloogah takes over you!!
     You hear an awful crackling as you drain the life out of Necorp!!
hp 579/1151 () | sp 400/1055 (-234) | ep 532/530 ()
You are not doing anything at the moment.
[20:26:12] hp 579/1151  sp 400/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Shadow bloodhound is in bad shape. (20-35% hps)
Necorp is in very bad shape. (10-20% hps)
Nightmare warrior is in a good shape. (80-90% hps)
[20:26:12] hp 579/1151  sp 400/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol  579(1151)  400(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol  801(1188)   42(  42) 268(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  762( 949)  192( 525) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  146( 451) 1384(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  607( 607)  837(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  324( 618)  949(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  328( 669)  880(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  541( 676)  853(1475) 260(260) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  889( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:12] hp 579/1151  sp 400/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

You start chanting.
[20:26:12] hp 579/1151  sp 400/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Zup starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zenick leaves south.
Neth leaves south.
Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.
By Necorp's throne (n,e,s,w).
Neth Acks the dented member of Tinmen < humh >
Zenick Zuranthus the transparent Shadow < humh >
Brokus prances in from north.
Zup arrives from north.
Sancran arrives from north.
Slobber arrives from north.
Kawasa arrives from north.
Neth starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Zenick leaves south.
Neth leaves south.
Necorp's tower chamber (ne,n,nw).
Neth Acks the dented member of Tinmen < humh >
Zenick Zuranthus the transparent Shadow < humh >
Brokus prances in from north.
Zup arrives from north.
Sancran arrives from north.
Slobber arrives from north.
Kawasa arrives from north.
Slobber tweaks Sancran's nose mischievously.
Neth (report): Protection from Evil DOWN! [13:58]
You start chanting.
[20:26:14] hp 579/1151  sp 400/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Info: Rodan dies.
Harm body: 6
Harm body: 4 (greater haste)
Brokus starts concentrating on a new spell.
Brokus [report]: Psionic Phalanx >> me
Slobber [report]: Armour of �ther [Off] [13:00]
Brokus bleahs.
Harm body: 3
Neth (report): Armour of Aether DOWN! [14:31]
Kawasa starts concentrating on a new spell.
Slobber starts concentrating on a new spell.
hp 596/1151 (+17) | sp 426/1055 (+26) | ep 532/530 ()
Harm body: 2
Spann [sales]: once twice
The embracing melody subsides, leaving you longing for more.
Melodical embracement off. [15m48s]
Neth (report): Melodical Embracement DOWN! [15:48]
Zup starts concentrating on a new spell.
Slobber [report]: Spamodical Hug [Off] [15:48]
Zup removes Mirror breastplate labeled as wisplate.
Zup wears something.
Harm body: 1
You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant.
You start chanting.
[20:26:25] hp 596/1151  sp 426/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Niliz [sales]: I'm out
Spann [sales]: thrice
Zup claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo mangenic' (Major party heal)
Zup's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Slobber sings: 'What child is this, who laid to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping, angels greet with anthems sweet while shepherds guard are keeping? This, this is Christ the king, whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to bring him laude the babe, the son of Mary!' (Campfire tune)
Slobber's song heals some of your wounds.
hp 870/1151 (+274) | sp 426/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
Harm body: 6
Harm body: 4 (greater haste)
Sancran (report): phalanx -> kawasa
Brokus removes something.
Brokus turns the ruby on his Staff of Lerethin around and it gives off
a red pulse and then turns into a blue sapphire.
Brokus removes something.
Brokus wields The staff of Lerethin <orange glow> in her right hand.
Brokus removes segmented titanium belt labeled as kelz.
Brokus removes a little leather bag.
Brokus removes a sparkling breastplate.
Brokus wears something.
Zup starts concentrating on a new spell.
Kawasa claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus eurto mangenic' (True party heal)
Kawasa's spell heals you. You feel really much better.
Brokus utters the magic words 'all for one, gather around me' (Psionic phalanx)
hp 1134/1151 (+264) | sp 426/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
Harm body: 3
Brokus [report]: psionic phalanx on
Brokus starts concentrating on a new spell.
Brokus [report]: AOA >> slobber
Spann [sales]: sold thanks
Brokus removes something.
Brokus turns the sapphire on his Staff of Lerethin around and it gives off
a blue pulse and then turns into a red ruby.
Brokus wields The staff of Lerethin <orange glow> in her right hand.
Brokus wears something.
Brokus removes Girdle of Ethereal Power.
Brokus removes The gleaming blue collar of Bengalore.
Brokus removes Mirror breastplate labeled as wis.
Brokus wears something.
Sancran tweaks Kawasa's nose mischievously.
Zenick (party): pistet��s nopsaa dmp reprot
Kawasa [report]: Prots: Unp 1m38s|PFE 13m52s
Necorp arrives from north.
cast info
scan all
Necorp misses.
Necorp wounds Slobber.
Necorp misses.
Necorp munches Slobber.
Necorp dodges.
Your superb dexterity avoids a nasty ambush.
Harm body: 2
Zenick utters the magic words 'withing thang walz' (Shelter)
party report Shelter up.
This location is now surrounded in a shimmering blue forcefield.
You are casting 'harm body'.
[20:26:33] hp 1134/1151  sp 426/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Necorp is in very bad shape. (10-20% hps)
[20:26:33] hp 1134/1151  sp 426/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1134(1151)  426(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1188(1188)   42(  42) 268(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  778( 949)  140( 525) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451) 1384(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  607( 607)  771(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  618( 618)  743(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  669( 669)  698(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  676( 676)  825(1471) 260(262) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:33] hp 1134/1151  sp 426/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Kawasa [report]: --> Shelter Active. <--
Nuane (report): Shelter up.
[20:26:33] hp 1134/1151  sp 426/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Brokus starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Neth starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Zup claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo mangenic' (Major party heal)
Zup's spell heals you. You feel all better.
hp 1151/1151 (+17) | sp 426/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
Harm body: 1
cast info
scan all
Necorp misses.
Necorp misses.
Necorp knocks Slobber.
Necorp misses.
Slobber misses.
Necorp dodges.
Neth misses.
You are casting 'harm body'.
[20:26:36] hp 1151/1151  sp 426/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Necorp is in very bad shape. (10-20% hps)
[20:26:36] hp 1151/1151  sp 426/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1151(1151)  426(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1188(1188)   42(  42) 268(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  819( 949)  140( 525) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451) 1384(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  607( 607)  771(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  618( 618)  743(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  669( 669)  698(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  676( 676)  745(1471) 260(262) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:36] hp 1151/1151  sp 426/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Zenick starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Brokus says 'tere.'
Slobber starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zenick (party): tai tapetaa t�h�
You are done with the chant.
You clap your hands and whisper 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
The curse in your battleaxe allows you to channel harmful power through it!
You harm Necorp really much.
hp 1151/1151 () | sp 246/1055 (-180) | ep 532/530 ()
cast info
scan all
Neth dodges.
Necorp tumbles Neth's dodge.
Necorp wounds Neth.
Necorp misses.
Necorp misses.
You are not doing anything at the moment.
[20:26:39] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Necorp is near death. (0-10% hps)
[20:26:39] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1151(1151)  246(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1127(1188)   42(  42) 268(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  819( 949)  140( 525) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451) 1384(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  607( 607)  771(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  618( 618)  743(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  669( 669)  698(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  676( 676)  745(1471) 260(262) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:39] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

You start chanting.
[20:26:39] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Zup starts concentrating on a new spell.
Neth whistles 'moroppi.'
Necorp clenches his fists and yells 'tora tora tora' (Psychic crush)
Necorp crushes Brokus's mind with a powerful psychic attack!
Neth's powerful bash sends Necorp sprawling to the floor.
Sancran utters the magic words 'all for one, gather around me' (Psionic phalanx)
Harm body: 6
cast info
scan all
Necorp wounds Slobber.
Necorp tumbles Slobber's dodge.
Necorp wounds Slobber.
Necorp misses.
Necorp misses.
Slobber tumbles Necorp's dodge.
Slobber lightly slams Necorp with shield.
Necorp dodges.
You tear Necorp.
You lightly slam Necorp with shield.
Necorp parries.
Kawasa [report]: Psionic Phalanx on!
You are casting 'harm body'.
[20:26:42] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Necorp is near death. (0-10% hps)
[20:26:42] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1151(1151)  246(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1127(1188)   42(  42) 258(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  667( 949)  140( 525) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451) 1132(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  607( 607)  771(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  247( 554)  743(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  669( 669)  698(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  676( 676)  745(1471) 260(262) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:42] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Sancran (report): Cold Ray ->
Neth starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
You have already reserved this as your confirmed kill!
[20:26:43] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
Necorp's tower chamber (ne,n,nw).
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
You are in a large, dimly lit room. It is located in a high tower, for the
narrow windows give a view to the surroundings of Necorp's stronghold: the
army encampment, the burnt moor, the treacherous mire and the nightmare
forests. The room is square-shaped and you are standing in the south corner.
There are bookshelves, maps of constellations, as well as alien realms all
around the place; this seems to be a study room. Parchment scrolls and
manuscripts lie on the descs as well as on the floor around them. Several wax
candles give dim light to the room.
A shimmering blue force field surrounds this area.
Obvious exits are: ne, n and nw.
Lord Necorp, the leech Mindcrafter
Kawasa Sekawa the Duck puolisukeltaja DEITY
Slobber Muumi the member of Catfolk < humh >
Sancran the Thrikhren < humh >
Zup Puz the rubber Duck goes 'squeek squeek' < humh >
Brokus Cl'nithir the grey Elf petrified mage < humh >
Neth Acks the dented member of Tinmen < humh >
Zenick Zuranthus the transparent Shadow < humh >
[20:26:43] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Slobber sings: 'What child is this, who laid to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping, angels greet with anthems sweet while shepherds guard are keeping? This, this is Christ the king, whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to bring him laude the babe, the son of Mary!' (Campfire tune)
Harm body: 5
Harm body: 4 (haste)
cast info
scan all
You parry.
...AND riposte.
Necorp thrusts you.
Necorp misses.
Necorp misses.
hp 1102/1151 (-49) | sp 246/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
You are casting 'harm body'.
[20:26:45] hp 1102/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Necorp is near death. (0-10% hps)
[20:26:45] hp 1102/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1102(1151)  246(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1188(1188)   42(  42) 258(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  789( 949)   70( 525) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451) 1132(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  607( 607)  771(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  358( 554)  743(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  669( 669)  698(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  676( 676)  745(1471) 260(262) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:45] hp 1102/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off
la necorp

Lord Necorp is a wicked tyrant of this nightmare-world. His extraordinary
mental powers combined with his ruthless desire for power have promoted to the
position of the ruler of the leech-kind that dwells in the region. His
witchery and mindcraft have produced this dark netherland, which has been
summoned from the darkest depths of his victims' minds. All there is is
nothing but a dream, but the dream is all too real nonetheless. This world may
not be real, but your death here surely is.
He is near death. (0-10% hps)
He has a faint ring of weak white magic mist around his neck.
He has a faint ring of weak white magic mist around his neck.
He has a faint ring of weak white magic mist around his neck.
He has a faint ring of weak white magic mist around his neck.
        Necorp's equipment:
Neck: a small, midnight black glass orb <red glow>
Cloak: a heavy purple cloak with silvery insignia <red glow>
Held: long, black staff of petrified wood <red glow>
[20:26:47] hp 1102/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Slobber starts concentrating on a new spell.
Zup claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo mangenic' (Major party heal)
Zup's spell heals you. You feel all better.
Brokus flaps her arms and utters the magic words 'ghht mar nak grttzt' (Blast vacuum)
As Brokus casts the spell, she pulls out a bronze marble which bursts into a million prismatic starbursts.
Brokus grins as her blast vacuum hits Necorp.
hp 1151/1151 (+49) | sp 246/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
Harm body: 3
cast info
scan all
Necorp misses.
Necorp misses.
Slobber dodges.
Necorp snaps Slobber.
Necorp dodges.
Necorp parries.
..AND ripostes.
Brokus [report]: screams asp
You are casting 'harm body'.
[20:26:48] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Necorp is near death. (0-10% hps)
[20:26:48] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1151(1151)  246(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1185(1188)   42(  42) 258(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  842( 949)  120( 523) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451) 1132(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  607( 607)  771(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  493( 554)  626(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  669( 669)  698(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  676( 676)  663(1471) 260(262) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:48] hp 1151/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Zup starts concentrating on a new spell.
Info: Fegud recovers from link death.
Necorp flaps arms and utters the magic words 'ghht zur semen' (Chaos bolt)
Necorp mumbles something inconceivable.
Neth's powerful bash sends Necorp sprawling to the floor.
Sancran waves her index finger while uttering 'cah mar nak grttzt' (Cold ray)
Sancran screams with frustration as her spell fails.
Harm body: 2
Zenick flaps her arms and utters the magic words 'ghht mar nak grttzt' (Blast vacuum)
As Zenick casts the spell, she pulls out a bronze marble which bursts into a million prismatic starbursts.
Zenick grins as her blast vacuum hits Necorp.
cast info
scan all
Necorp shoves you.
You parry.
...AND riposte.
Necorp misses.
Necorp misses.
Necorp dodges.
Neth lightly cuts Necorp.
hp 1084/1151 (-67) | sp 246/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
Harm body: 1
You are casting 'harm body'.
[20:26:51] hp 1084/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Necorp is near death. (0-10% hps)
[20:26:51] hp 1084/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1084(1151)  246(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1185(1188)   42(  42) 248(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  842( 949)  120( 523) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451)  976(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  607( 607)  657(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  493( 554)  626(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  669( 669)  698(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  676( 676)  663(1471) 260(262) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:51] hp 1084/1151  sp 246/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Zenick starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Sancran (report): Cold Ray ->
Neth starts concentrating on a new offensive skill.
Slobber sings: 'What child is this, who laid to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping, angels greet with anthems sweet while shepherds guard are keeping? This, this is Christ the king, whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to bring him laude the babe, the son of Mary!' (Campfire tune)
Slobber's song heals some of your wounds.
hp 1151/1151 (+67) | sp 246/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
You are done with the chant.
You clap your hands and whisper 'PAF PAF PAF!' (Harm body)
The curse in your battleaxe allows you to channel harmful power through it!
You harm Necorp really much.
hp 1151/1151 () | sp 202/1055 (-44) | ep 532/530 ()
cast info
scan all
#$%&&&! Necorp tumbles your dodge.
Necorp shoves you.
You dodge.
Necorp misses.
You parry.
...AND riposte.
Necorp dodges.
Necorp dodges.
You miss.
hp 1092/1151 (-59) | sp 202/1055 () | ep 532/530 ()
You are not doing anything at the moment.
[20:26:54] hp 1092/1151  sp 202/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Necorp is near death. (0-10% hps)
[20:26:54] hp 1092/1151  sp 202/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

| 1.1   Nuane         fol 1092(1151)  202(1055) 532(530) | 100 |         2347 |
| 1.2   Neth          fol 1188(1188)   42(  42) 248(348) |  52 |         1585 |
| 1.3   Slobber       fol  949( 949)   50( 523) 411(411) |  99 |         2333 |
| 2.1   Sancran       fol  451( 451)  976(1595) 296(270) |  90 |          734 |
| 2.2   Zenick        ldr  607( 607)  657(1323) 244(244) | 100 |         3605 |
| 2.3   Brokus        fol  554( 554)  626(1500) 285(285) | 100 |         2347 |
| 3.1   Kawasa        fol  669( 669)  698(1579) 244(244) |  92 |         2232 |
| 3.3   Zup           fol  676( 676)  663(1471) 260(262) |  98 |         2319 |
|*?.?   Yehat         mbr  914( 914)  703( 703) 400(400) | 100 |          782 |
[20:26:54] hp 1092/1151  sp 202/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Info: Dalle recovers from link death.
You start chanting.
[20:26:55] hp 1092/1151  sp 202/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Slobber starts concentrating on a new spell.
You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant.
You start chanting.
[20:26:56] hp 1092/1151  sp 202/1055  ep 532/530  xp 237734  $ 1007/477717  wimpy off

Necorp calls for aid! Something wicked arrives...
Zup claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus puorgo mangenic' (Major party heal)
Zup's spell heals you. You feel some better.
Brokus flaps her arms and utters the magic words 'ghht mar nak grttzt' (Blast vacuum)
As Brokus casts the spell, she pulls out a bronze marble which bursts into a million prismatic starbursts.
Brokus grins as her blast vacuum hits Necorp.
Necorp's skull splits wide open, revealing some mushy-green substance.
lich drain
Necorp is DEAD, R.I.P.
The magic mist around the dead Necorp's neck leaps to Zup's Kerbholz.
The magic mist around the dead Necorp's neck leaps to Zenick's Kerbholz.
The magic mist around the dead Necorp's neck leaps to your Kerbholz.
A new mark appears.
The magic mist around the dead Necorp's neck leaps to Brokus's Kerbholz.

|  282609: Lord Necorp, the leech Mindcrafter                                 |