The Battle Royale Continues: Mithrand and Searc will fight to the death! Searc: southeast Searc: east Mithrand: south Searc: cast con fioco Mithrand: east Mithrand: east Searc: southeast Searc: south Mithrand: west Searc: southwest Mithrand: west Searc: west Searc: cast con fioco Mithrand: east Mithrand: clairvoyance Mithrand: southeast Mithrand: clairvoyance Searc: Hp 86% Mithrand: southeast Mithrand: clairvoyance Mithrand: southwest Mithrand: clairvoyance Mithrand: west Mithrand: clairvoyance Searc: scan Searc: Hp 80% Mithrand: use 'blood harvest' Mithrand: scan Searc: northwest Mithrand: northwest Searc: cast con fioco Searc: northeast Mithrand: use 'scythe swipe' Searc: east Searc: cast con fioco Mithrand: Hp 91% Mithrand: northeast Mithrand: east Searc: scan Mithrand: Hp 86% Searc: Hp 71% Mithrand: cast shattered feast at amount 100 Mithrand: scan Searc: southeast Searc: southwest Mithrand: Hp 86% Mithrand: southeast Mithrand: cast shattered feast at amount 100 Searc: cast con fioco Mithrand: southwest Searc: scan Mithrand: cast shattered feast at amount 100 Searc: west Searc: cast con fioco Mithrand: Hp 81% Searc: northwest Mithrand: west Searc: cast con fioco Mithrand: northwest Searc: scan Searc: northeast Searc: east Searc: southeast Mithrand: Hp 81% Mithrand: northeast Searc: southeast Searc: southwest Mithrand: east Searc: west Searc: northwest Mithrand: southeast Searc: cast con fioco Mithrand: southwest Mithrand: northeast Mithrand: north Mithrand: northwest Mithrand: Hp 81% Searc: Hp 73% Mithrand: west Mithrand: southwest Searc: scan Searc: northeast Searc: east Searc: Hp 56% Mithrand: Hp 76% Searc: southeast Searc: southeast Searc: southwest Mithrand: southeast Searc: west Mithrand: east Mithrand: Hp 75% Searc: Hp 56% Mithrand: northeast Searc: northwest Mithrand: north Searc: northeast Mithrand: northeast Searc: east Mithrand: north Mithrand: northwest Mithrand: southwest Searc: cast con fioco Searc: scan Mithrand: scan Searc: southeast Searc: southwest Searc: Hp 42% Mithrand: Hp 75% Mithrand: southeast Searc: cast con fioco Searc: scan Searc: look Mithrand: southwest Searc: scan Mithrand: Hp 75% Searc: Hp 36% Searc: scan Searc: west Searc: cast con fioco Mithrand: west Searc: northwest Searc: northeast Searc: cast con fioco Mithrand: northwest Mithrand: northeast Searc: east Searc: northeast Mithrand: southwest Mithrand: northeast Mithrand: east Searc: read shelter' Mithrand: southeast Mithrand: northwest Mithrand: Hp 65% Searc: Hp 15% Searc: northwest Searc: west Mithrand: scan Searc: southwest Searc: read shelter Mithrand: west Searc: look Mithrand: southwest Mithrand: Hp 60% Searc: cast campfire tune Mithrand: east Mithrand: southeast Searc: eqset wear spr Mithrand: southwest Mithrand: west Searc: Hp 10% Mithrand: get nf from all Mithrand: northwest Mithrand: Hp 60% Searc: Hp 13% Mithrand: get nf from bag 1 Mithrand: Hp 60% Searc: Hp 8% Searc: cast campfire tune Mithrand: Hp 60% Searc: Hp 13% Mithrand: cast shattered feast at amount 100 Mithrand: northwest Searc: southeast Searc: east Mithrand: scan Mithrand: Hp 55% Searc: northeast Searc: rebirth heal Mithrand: southeast Mithrand: scan Mithrand: east Mithrand: east Mithrand: northeast Searc: read shelter Mithrand: Hp 55% Searc: Hp 23% Searc: scan Searc: northwest Searc: west Searc: southwest Mithrand: northwest Mithrand: west Searc: cast con fioco Mithrand: west Mithrand: southwest Searc: scan Mithrand: scan Searc: southeast Searc: east Searc: northeast Mithrand: southeast Mithrand: east Searc: eqset wear offu Searc: remove dexi Searc: wield nightfall Searc: northwest Searc: west Searc: look Mithrand: west Searc: northwest Searc: northeast Mithrand: northwest Mithrand: northeast Searc: northeast Searc: southeast Searc: east Searc: southeast Mithrand: east Searc: southwest Searc: west Searc: southwest Mithrand: west Searc: southeast Searc: east Mithrand: Hp 50% Mithrand: east Searc: cast con fioco Mithrand: west Mithrand: southwest Mithrand: southeast Mithrand: east Mithrand: Hp 50% Searc: Hp -14% Mithrand: west Mithrand: cast shattered feast at amount 100 Searc: Hp -14% Mithrand: Hp 50% Searc: Hp -14% Mithrand: Hp 45% Searc: Hp -14% Mithrand: Hp 47% Searc: Hp -14% Mithrand: cast shattered feast at amount 100 Mithrand: Hp 56% Searc: Hp -14% Mithrand: clairvoyance Mithrand: Hp 56% Searc: Hp -16% Mithrand: Hp 56% Searc: Hp -18% Mithrand: Hp 51% Searc: Hp -18% Mithrand: Hp 51% Searc: Hp -22% Mithrand: cast shattered feast at amount 100 Mithrand: Hp 75% Searc: Hp -22% Mithrand: Hp 70% Searc: Hp -25% Mithrand: Hp 67% Searc: Hp -26% Mithrand: finger searc Mithrand: Hp 62% Searc: Hp -26% Mithrand: Hp 79% Searc: Hp -26% Mithrand: Hp 79% Searc: Hp -30% Mithrand: Hp 79% Searc: Hp -30% Mithrand: Hp 79% Searc: Hp -32% Searc died and thus loses this round! Mithrand has won this round of the Battle Royale! Info: Searc dies.